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Barcelona Economics Network

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Pubblichiamo di seguito il programma del XVIII Atto Internazionale promosso dalla “Reale Accademia di Scienze Economiche e Finanziarie di Spagna” che si terrà la prossima settimana a Barcellona. Interverrà il prof. Alessandro Bianchi, che cura una rubrica sul nostro giornale, nella sua qualità di membro corrispondente per l’Italia.



“The voice of economic science in front of the limits to life on the planet”.


  • Official opening of the Welcome words and official opening of the Excmo. Dr. Jaime Gil Aluja, President of the Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences with the speech: “Una nueva metodología para la gestión de la sostenibilidad”.
  • Excmo. Dr. Mohamed Laichoubi: “Déconstruction des Philosophies prédatrices ou Désarticulation des Equilibres Fondamentaux de la Planète.” Ex Minister of Algeria, Corresponding Academician for Algeria and Member of the Barcelona Economics Network.
  • Excmo. Dr. Alessandro Bianchi “Considerations on the limits of environmental sustainability”. Ex Minister of Italy and Corresponding Academician of RACEF for Italy.
  • Excmo. Dr. Corneliu Gutu: “Sustainable development and competitiveness in the face of climate and energy challenges”. Ex Minister of Moldavia and Member of the Barcelona Economics Network
  • Excmo. Dr. Juli Minoves Triquell: “Anthropocene: How to Reconcile Economy, Politics and the Environment”. Ex Minister of Andorra and Corresponding Academician of RACEF for Andorra.
  • Excma. Dra. Erna Hennicot : « Could Civilization and Culture bring an answer?». Ex Minister of Luxemburg
  • Excmo. Dr. Valeriu Ioan Franc: « Le développement soutenable. Une perspective humaniste». Member of the Academy of Sciences from Romania and Corresponding Academician for Romania.
  • Excmo. Dr. Korkmaz Imanov: “Estimation level of Social consequences of Countries economic development”. Manager of Economy Department of Sciences Academy from Azerbaijan and Corresponding Academician of RACEF for Azerbaijan.
  • Excmo. Dr. Konstantin Zopounidis and Dr. George Atsalakis: “Carbon Tariffs and Unfair Competition”. Correspondig Academician of RACEF for Greece and Professor of the Technical University of Crete.
  • Excmo. Dr. José Daniel Barquero Cabrero “El nuevo consumo global, el calentamiento del planeta y la nueva economía”. Full member of the Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences.
  • Excmo. Dr. Mario Aguer: “La economía ante la crisis climática”. Full member of the Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences.
  • Excmo. Dr. Federico González Santoyo: Selección del tamaño óptimo de empresas sustentables en la certeza e incertidumbre”. Corresponding Academician of RACEF for México.


  • Excmo. Dr. Janusz Kacprzyk: “Economics and critical world’s challenges: a short-term vs. long-term dilemma”. Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Corresponding Academician of RACEF for Poland and Member of the Barcelona Economics Network.
  • Excmo. Dr. Jean Askenasy “Eco Dysfunction Disease”. Professor of the Tel-Aviv University and Member of the Barcelona Economics Network.
  • Excmo. Dr. Petre Roman: “Expectation mechanisms of economics under the uncertainties related to the climate change”. Rector of the Swiss University in Ginevra and Member of the Barcelona Economics Network.
  • Ilmo. Dr. José Mª Sarabia: “Límites de la vida: que nos informan los modelos económicos y ecológicos de extinción”. Académico Correspondiente por Cantabria de la Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras.
  • Excmo. Dr. Piergiuseppe Morone: “Good Economics for Hard Times: let’s talk about sustainability”. Professor of Unitelma Sapienza University from Roma.
  • Excmo. Dr. Domenico Marino. “Complexity and sustainability in environmental economics” (Recorded speech). Professor of Reggio Calabria University (Italy) and Member of the Barcelona Economics Network.
  • Excmo. Dr. Dobrica Milovanovic: “Economics and the Good Life”. Dean of the Kragujevac University (Serbia) and Member of the Barcelona Economics Network.
  • Excmo. Dr. Carlo Morabito: “Chaos and uncertainty in a resilient Planet”. Professor of Reggio Calabria University (Italy) and Member of the Barcelona Economics Network.
  • Excmo. Dr. Jean Pierre Danthine: “Recognizing the planetary boundaries: a paradigm change for the economy”. Corresponding Academician of RACEF from Swiss.
  • Conclusions and closing of the meeting by Excmo. Jaime Gil Aluja, President of the Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences: “Mirando el futuro con esperanza”.